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  • kairavianjaria231

Always And Forever.

Updated: Mar 4, 2021

We have all waited long for this movie and it did not let us down or did it?

So I watched Always and Forever with my little brother and my Mom and ended up pausing movie every time something went different from in the book and eating their ears for telling them how exactly it went in the book.

And It started from minute one as the movie started with Lara Jean in Seoul not that I am complaining cause the opening scene features The interior of Cafe Yeonnam-dong 239-20 in Seoul which is a perfect aesthetical start to this perfect aesthetical movie.

If I see the movie separately and not as an novel adoption is was pretty decent. But somewhere along the way it lost he essence that the book has. The book gave a very rollercoaster ridey story when the movie was frankly flat.

I got bored half way through as the story seemed to be struck in a weird loop of Lara jean lying or hiding the truth from peter. Where as in the book he the story evolved with sweet and sour moments between the two.

Also I was pretty disappointed at how they basically neglected the story of Lara Jean's dad and Ms. Rothschild and completely eliminated Margo's boyfriend Ravi. They also missed out some very beautiful scenes like when peter and kitty tried out Lara jean's chocolate chip cookies that she tried to perfect and also the drama at the beach with the fact that Lara Jean was going to go to the same collage as John. I can list out so many such scenes that I would have loved seeing on screen.

The movie showed that peter broke up because of he thought that long distance is something they can't survive where as in the book it was his mother who asked Lara Jean to break up with him because she though that he wouldn't be able to focus on his studies and lacrosse and Lara Jean ends up breaking up with him.

On the other note in the movie they go on a trip to korea to find the special love lock in Seoul Tower that her mom left when she was last there and that gave me real aw moment. The scene after the wedding too gave a really sweet moment between Peter and Lara Jean.

I wouldn't say that the movie was bad but as someone who loved the book I was pretty disappointed after the movie. I wished to see more developed sub-plots but if you haven't read the book and you are a romance fan you will definitely enjoy this Flick.

Confessions Of Bibliophile: Kairavi Anjarai.

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